April 28, 2024 Sunday

Statement of China Coast Guard Spokesperson on Philippines' intrusion into Ren'ai Reef

2024-03-23 10:22:00

China Coast Guard spokesperson Gan Yu stated that on March 23, after only 18 days since the last resupply, the Philippines once again sent two coast guard ships and one supply ship to trespassed into waters off China’s Ren’ai Reef , in an attempt to transport construction materials to its illegally "grounded" military vessel, causing troubles and provoking disputes, deliberately disrupting the peace and stability of the South China Sea.

Despite multiple warnings and route controls from the Chinese side, the Filipino supply ship forcefully entered the area. The China Coast Guard lawfully and professionally implemented regulation, interception, and expulsion.

Gan warned to Philippines that those who play with fire will get burned. China Coast Guard is on high alert at all times, and will resolutely defend the country's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights.

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