April 28, 2024 Sunday

China Coast Guard’s “Blue Sea 2020” Operation Yields Positive Results

2020-09-25 15:40:00

Zhang Jun, spokesperson for China Coast Guard, was invited to attend the press conference held by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and answered reporters’ questions in the morning of September 25, 2020.

Zhang Jun introduced the “Blue Sea 2020” special law enforcement operation for the protection of marine ecology and environment. Since April 2020, relevant departments of various levels have rigorously cracked down upon illegal actions through proactive steps and close coordination, focused on the regulation of key links and rectification of major problems. The operation especially targeted 8 aspects, including supervision and management of marine engineering and construction projects, supervision and management of offshore oil exploration and exploitation, prevention and control of waste dumping into the sea, rectification of sea sand mining and transportation, and prevention and control of discharge of land-sourced pollutants. Protruding problems such as damage of coral reefs, illegal sea sand mining, illegal dumping, coastline damage and wetland encroachment were addressed intensively with significant results.

Zhang Jun noted that the comprehensive governance of the Bohai Sea is the common responsibility of the 3 provinces and 1 city located around the Bohai Sea as well as relevant government departments. In enforcing the law, departments of all levels fully implemented the coordination mechanisms, and coast guard units at various levels took the initiative to set up such mechanisms with local authorities in charge of public security, natural resources, ecology and environment, and agriculture and rural affairs. Efforts were made to open channels for work consultation, information sharing and law enforcement coordination, strengthen the communication with courts and procuratorates, and set up Coast Guard Procurator Office to improve mechanisms for information sharing, case discussion and complaint handling, enhance coordination between procuratorate and coast guard units, and improve supervision and enforcement jointly. 

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