April 28, 2024 Sunday

China Coast Guard’s “Blue Sea 2021” Operation Yields Positive Results

2021-11-15 15:46:10

In the morning of August 26, 2021, Liu Dejun, spokesperson for China Coast Guard, was invited to attend the regular press conference held by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and answered reporters’ questions.

Liu specifically introduced the “Blue Sea 2021” special law enforcement operation for the protection of marine ecology and environment. China Coast Guard launched the “Blue Sea 2021” operation on April 20 in conjunction with other departments including the Ministry of Ecology and Environment. Following the major decisions and deployments on eco-environmental protection made by the CPC Central Committee and State Council and eyeing key tasks in the 14th Five-year Plan period, the operation highlighted eight aspects, including marine (littoral) engineering and construction projects, island protection, sea sand mining and transportation, dumping into the sea, offshore oil exploration and exploitation, and discharge of land-source pollutants. A series of measures were adopted to intensify regular supervision and inspection in significant areas, crack down on illegal actions in aspects, prevent eco-environmental risks at key links, and address key issues. The proactive steps and close coordination by relevant departments of all levels generated positive results. The operation has three characteristics.

First, the focus was more distinct. Drawing on the experience of the operation last year, the Blue Sea 2021 operation was based on the features of marine ecological and environmental protection and focused on key aspects, difficult points and outstanding hazards. To be specific, patrol and supervision were reinforced in three aspects, namely marine (littoral) engineering and construction projects, ecological and marine reserves on islands and in surrounding waters, and typical marine ecosystems such as mangroves, coral reefs and coastal wetland. Greater efforts were made against three types of criminal activities, namely illegal sea sand mining, illegal dumping, and harming of precious and endangered wildlife. Prevention and control of two key pollution sources were intensified, namely offshore oil exploration and exploitation and discharge of land-sourced pollutants.

Second, regulatory means were diversified. China Coast Guard innovated the enforcement mode according to different targets and established a normal regulatory mechanism featuring the full-process supervision of engineering projects, the regular patrol and inspection of islands and adjacent waters, and the dynamic patrol and inspection of typical marine ecosystems. It promoted smart law enforcement and worked with the Ministry of Ecology and Environment to implement the “Internet Plus” regulatory and law enforcement mode based on the dumping monitoring system to obtain tips promptly and carry out precise strike. The number of illegal dumping cases handled this year has already exceeded the total number last year, indicating improved efficiency of law enforcement. Law enforcement by air was carried out. Joined with local law enforcement departments, China Coast Guard conducted air inspections to monitor key littoral projects with UAVs and comprehensively deployed sea, land and air inspections to create a multi-tiered enforcement mode.

Third, mechanisms were perfected. After China Coast Guard set up the special operation coordination mechanism with relevant state departments, it has promoted the mechanisms to provincial and municipal levels and realized closer coordination through a top-down working system covering regular meetings, information notification, case transfer and joint management and control. Coast guard units at various levels and related local departments innovated work methods in view of actual situations. Provincial bureaus in Hebei, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Fujian and Hainan regularly studied and discussed the situation, and jointly cracked down on ships illegally mining and transporting sea sand in key periods, resulting in improved synergy. China Coast Guard Nanhai Branch and the Pearl River Branch of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment paid close attention to overall coordination. They set up the regular joint inspection and instruction mechanism to timely detect and address prominent problems and rigorously enforce the law on ecological and environmental protection in the sea areas.

For the next step, China Coast Guard will work with relevant departments to carefully study and analyze the situation of law enforcement for marine ecological and environmental protection, keep a close eye on key and difficult points, keep up the intensity, strengthen special rectification programs, and intensify supervision and inspection to generate greater accomplishments from Blue Sea 2021.

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